We are a second generation Real Estate company that has more than 75 years of combined experience.

My father worked in Real Estate since 1965 and He started the Merritt Company in 1975. lt was a full service Real Estate Brokerage company and the commercial building he owned had a lawyer, insurance company, builder and a fiancé company in the same building. You could have all your Real Estate needs met by the time you left the building. Merritt Company brokered new home developments, built condos, appraised property, purchased, listed and owned more than 30 units that needed to be managed so I grew up and worked in that Real Estate world.


The new Merritt Company has been in business since 1992, mostly in coastal California but has done work in many states and now the beautiful bourgeoning Tampa Florida area. Through all my experience around my father’s business I learned that you cannot really comprehend Real Estate without knowing the building methods, costs, designs and timelines associated with those building variables. My father was subject to many other people and construction companies with little control of costs and timelines being just a Real Estate Broker so developments were never controlled to level they could have been. The new Merritt Company, through a lifetime of Real Estate experience, 25 years General Contracting, project management and design with finance mixed in part time now understands property to the Highest level. Through all this experience Merritt Company now has a unique perspective for acquisitions, design consulting, investment consulting, developments, project and property management and the valuable complete energy solutions. All our experience combines to give you the most complete understanding of your choices around property and how to get the most from your Real Estate.


I recently got into a car accident and I had 7 different doctors with different specialties, which is apparently normal in the medical world as it is in the Real Estate world. They were mostly capable in the one thing they specialized in but they did not have what I really needed. I needed one doctor to give me an understanding of all my symptoms and how they affect one another so I could better understand them to make more informed health decisions during and after my recovery. That one doctor would have made my 9+ months and counting recovery more manageable and comprehensible with a better quality of life. That 1 doctor that I was looking for is who Merritt Company is in the Real Estate world today because every decision you make with your property affects its utility, value and marketability.

You could not find a better partner in any Real Estate investment than the Merritt Company. We are open and looking to partner with other investors in residential and commercial Property. We can provide money, financing, consulting, design, project management, property management, development and decades of experience to any Real Estate investment. Our experience can mitigate potential risk and maximize the financial gains in any property we choose to buy. We can work with the most experienced Real Estate Investor all the way to the new investor that wants to learn and get into the Real Estate investment market. We would work out a mutually beneficial agreement and cement it into an LLC or GP with clear duties detailed in the bylaws for each property, or if you have a better idea on how to make a Real Estate investment partnership work we would love to hear it. Call us for a free consultation and see how a partnership with the Merritt Company benefits you!

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